If i were a Politician


we live in a democratic country. Democratic refers to a nation whose people have all the right to speak and can make there own decisions. To represent our country, we choose leader (politicians). who work for us. Leaders should know the problems of the people and should be able to tackle them . But in Pakistan usually , they do corruption and do not provide justice to the people. They are greedy for power and once they come in power, they forgets about the people’s welfare. If i were a politicians then i would have done many changes and modifications in the society. As a leader i would work on the issues and find out the rot cause of the problems because only then i would be able to find out its solution. I would ask people about their problems, would personally interact with them and make my self worthy enough to stand in front of them to ask for their votes and support. I would provide clean drinking water, with proper drainage system, i would initiate construction of proper governments hospitals to provide better health facilities. Improve our education system . Therefore if i were a politician, i would try to prove myself better than the current politicians to make my country’s people happier and prosper.

Book Review: The Crow-Girl

crow girl.jpg

This novel is by Bodil Bredsdroff translated by Danish. This is a story of kindness, bravery , evil in a lyrical way.

Where an old woman lives with her granddaughter, alone in a house which was near a cove, where a brook ran out to the sea. They dine on sea kale, mussels and sand snails. They build fire from the driftwood. Her grandmother was very old and knowing that she was dying, so she instruct her granddaughter about the ways of life and death , and passes some advice to the apparently nameless girl. One day when the little girl returned home, after gathering food from the sea, she find her grand mother lying still. She picked her hand which were cold and stiff, and suddenly she knew that she was gone! and was no more for her. she was left alone. After burring her grandmother beside her grandfathers grave, she sits their and sings a song about the birds, by watching two crows which were flying near her. The next day the same crows seems to beckon her, and then she decided to travel and meet the world. So she followed the coast  to a hamlet. Through her travel, she finds the type of  people her grandmother had told her about that she will meet people both warm and cold , hurt and hurtful. Crow girls relies on her grandmothers advice and on her own gut feeling, when she returns to her cottage by the sea, the orphan girl finds a new family created by her own wit and heart.

The roving story, winds to a close that despite its fairy tale quality, is incredible. Its imaginary involving water, hands and crows becomes resonant element of the narrative.

Cyber Crime

cyber crime

Millions of people around the world uses internet every day. we all use it in our school, universities, offices and home etc. Internet has made our lives easier,it has brought so many benefits to the society but it has also brought some problems and cyber crime is one of them. So what is cyber crime? Its a crime committed from computer via internet, by an individual or a group which harm victims mental , psychical state or cause any other loss to them directly or indirectly . They access victims personal information like bank details or any other secrete information to use it against them and blackmail the victim for money (or any digital currency). Sometimes people also commit suicide because of the fraud or harassment they faced. It can also lead to a negative impact on the economy of the nation. Criminals who perform these illegal activities are often referred as hackers .Thus cyber crime have devastating effects on people and even on nations. However, numerous measures have been taken to curb the cyber crime. Our country has also made strict laws and is also spreading awareness on the importance of cyber crime prevention by using anti virus software’s and etc.

The dependence of ‘humans on machines’.


These days humans rely very much on machines. In this modern era of life, science has achieved great advancements in technologies or machines. we as humans are dependent of it, as it makes our lives simple and easier. But on the other hand, it has some negative effects too. We always depend on machines to do our work which makes us lazy for example: if we want to go , we depend on automobiles / vehicles for transport or if we want to warm our food, we depend on microwaves to do it for us instead of heating it on stove which is healthier than microwave, we prefer to play games on our laptops or mobiles instead of going out and playing sports which keeps us fit as well as healthy. In agriculture sector machines take place of humans which also causes unemployment.

Thus machines reduce human effort by doing our work more quickly and efficiently but also makes us lazy and dependent of it.

Should attendance in class, be mandatory?

Now a days it is a debatable topic, that should attendance in classes be mandatory?. According to me it should be mandatory. As missing a class would interfere with your learning and have a negative impact on your performance and also on your grade. Going to class does far more than simply giving you credit  for attendance , but it facilitates learning in a variety of ways like , by attending lectures/ classes you can have another perspective material besides the text book. Even if you think you already understand the material well, classes always adds something new. The instructor may go over examples or applications you haven’t seen, concepts in class may be presented in a different and more easier way than in text book.

By attending the class and by paying attention in it can cut your study time later on. Although attending the classes / lectures are very important. So it should be mandatory!

Why don’t we read Books?

why dont we read

Why don’t we read is a question, which we need to ask ourselves. However, according to me the answer to this question has several justifications. One of it is a general concern; of lack of time,or can’t manage time from our busy schedule. As a person have numerous other activities and consider reading less important,or their are some people who faces difficulty in reading which irritates them and this irritation pulls them away from reading books. However, some people think that reading is only a waste of time.

Although reading has many advantages from which few are; It improves focus and concentration, reduces stress, increases knowledge and memory. It also helps to make our vocabulary better which also helps us in our career and etc.Thus people should try to manage their schedule and take out some time to read books.

Impact of system on society.

bad system

A system is a set of rules and regulation that decides how a country is going to be run. An effective or ineffective  system can leave a deep impact on a society.

A country like Norway has a splendidly effective system.They decided to stop investing in oil about ten years ago and never looked back while the middle East was up to its neck in oil investments. Now it controls a significant percentage in diamonds,sugar and many other influential resources.It has a total population of 300,000 people.It is the most advanced in term gender equality, equal to pay of the one loses for three years. it also gives allowances for children’s education.This system is utterly effective since the people know they are valued and there is maximum welfare.

In contrast, an ineffective system is catastrophic. Let’s take Pakistan as example…Pakistan’s government is drowning in debt. There is no efficient traffic system,police,security and justice system. The people are living in poverty and despair. Unemployment is a huge issue. Their is no proper system for eradicating electricity which causes load shedding. There isn’t even a proper system for welfare if you don’t count NGOs or philanthropic firms.. this sort of system damages people at their core. It corrupts their morals and ethics. It creates distances and distrusts which is the worst impact of all.

“Dowry ” a curse


In this 21st century, when it is proved that girls are equal to boys and can do all things whatever boys can, then why Dowry System only favors to boys family and is a big curse for bride side. In Dowry System, according to ritual only boy’s family have right to demand cash, furniture, vehicle, expensive appliances, gold and utensils from bride side in the form of Dowry. And this illogical ritual is followed since many centuries before. Sometimes, it become a huge burden for bride’s parents and forced them to sale their property or other expensive things for fulfilling the demand by groom side, just because they are parents of a girl child.This System of Dowry is found in every part of the world. It also causes hatred to girls because some parents think they have to sacrifice their lives to fulfill the demand of dowry. In old times when girls were born, they bury them alive so that they don’t have to bear with the burden of Dowry. Deaths from Dowry have been rising in Pakistan for decades.At over 2000 dowry-related deaths per year, and annual rates exceeding 2.45 deaths per 100,000 women from dowry-related violence, Pakistan has the highest reported number of dowry death rates per 100,000 women in the world but there are many organizations either government or non-government has been continuously putting all their efforts for ending or destroying this evil from our country since many years, Pakistan also passed a dowry or marriage gift (restriction) bill in 2008 and made this demand of dowry by groom’s family or by groom illegal to control this curse which is destroying many women’s lives. Hence its a big burden on brides parents which should be removed.

Ditch depression & stay healthy.


‘Depression’ a state of feeling sad or unimportant, can decrease a persons ability to function at work or at home. The person not only suffers physically or emotionally alone but the people around him/her are also negatively effected. Some major symptoms are: aches or pains, headaches, thoughts of suicide, loss of interest or decrease of energy etc, fortunately it is treatable. The best way which i found very helpful  was to talk with someone, share your thoughts with the one who understands you and supports you in your hard times. It could be any one, your friend or your family member. The other way to cope with it is to go for a walk and have a fresh breath of air. Sometimes we argue that we had walked a lot in our day; while doing our work, in real it is not a walk but instead of this, you should have a brisk walk of minimum 30 min. without thinking or doing any thing else. It truly helps you to overcome depression as well as keeping you fit and healthy . According to WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) , 350 million people around the world suffers from depression and don’t get treated some because of lack of awareness but actually other than this it is not only the main problem but the thing which bothers us the most is that what people will think about you ; ‘is something wrong with him/her’ so by keeping these thoughts aside one should only think about their own-self/welfare by getting any means of help. so DITCH DEPRESSION AND STAY HEALTHY.

HAJJ 2017


Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam performed once in a year.It is a wish of every Muslim to perform hajj but not everyone gets the privilege.It is mandatory for every Muslim to perform Hajj once in a lifetime;provided they can afford it . Nowadays in this modern era life has become easier for everyone.
Muslims who performed hajj this year faced problems. According to about 1075256 people (in regular scheme). who went to perform hajj from our country, faced many problems some because of our own govt. and some from the host country. As they didn’t provide enough facilities as they should’ve like transport,misbehaving of their scouts/security and lack of accommodation etc. which needs to be improved especially their behaviour as well as other facilities. so the next people won’t face this .